Soluble & Insoluble Fiber

When we think about dietary fiber, most of us think primarily about digestive functions. However, consuming foods high in fiber can do a lot more…
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Wearable Fitness Technology

Fitness technology has become increasingly popular. Wearable technology has evolved from simple pedometers and wrist watches to devices that connect to the internet or your…
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Wake Up Like An Animal

Ever watch your pet wake from a sleep? There is usually a ritual of stretches before they go on their way. Most animals stretch themselves…
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The Art of Napping

It has been found that incorporating a 10-15 minute nap into your afternoon schedule can improve your overall focus and productivity, thus leading to greater…
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Do You Snore?

Have you been waking up feeling tired?  Do you have trouble concentrating during the day due to fatigue? Does your spouse complain that you are…
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For Better Heart Health

February marks the observance of American Heart Month (visit @American Heart). All of us can use this month to become better educated about heart disease…
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Health Tips for 2019

It’s the middle of January…how are those resolutions coming along? Don’t be discouraged if you haven’t succeeded in accomplishing all those goals. Rather than throwing…
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